African Drums, Percussion & Melody Instruments

African Village DrumsHighly regarded African musical instruments for accompanying Djembe players and other percussionists. All displayed instruments are available and can be shipped within 24 hrs. The following pages are multilingual. On the left hand side you find the main item photo. Above it the name of the item in German, English, French and African, the country of origin and the material. Underneath the photo is the Order No. (Art.Nr.) and the price. On the right hand side you see a German description, the size and an orange box with a short English description. If you need further information don't hesitate to send us an E-Mail to  

Dununba, Sangban & Kenkeni Drums
Dununba, Sangban & Kenkeni - Bass Drum
Powerful deep down to earth sounds
enchanting deep, dark and voluminous.
African Bell, Kessing, Smalpercussion
African Bell, Kessing & Small Percussion
Often it is the small instruments
that make the difference in music and let us smile.
Bougarabou Drum
Bougarabou Drum
Extra warm Drums with rich timbre
soft attack and a great carrying sound.
Sabar Drum
Sabar Drum
Stick drums of unique assertiveness.
energetic and loud.
Tama Dondo Talking Drum
Tama Talking Drum
Drums with a wide tonal range
and fine pitch tuning.
Krin Log Drum & Slit Drum
Log Drum, Slit Drum
Archaic drums from single logs
with assertive sounds.
Waterdrum, Calabash, Gita, Takamba, Bara
Water Drum, Calabash, Gita, Takamba & Bara Drum
Delicate, subtle and dark sounds,
wonderful accompanying instruments for sensitive musicians.
Kalimba, Sansula, Mbira 
Kalimba, Sansula & Mbira Thumb Piano
Enchanting melody instruments
with harmonious relaxing sounds.
Balafon, Marimba
Balafon & Marimba
Masterpieces of the Griot Music,
the anchiant xylophone with most beautiful wooden sounds.
Kora, N'Goni , N'Bolon
Kora, Ngoni, Bolon, String Instruments
African stringinstruments,
that invite you to dream.
Kpanlogo & Oprente Drum
Kpanlogo & Oprente Drum
Conga similar,
rustic, dark muffled sounds.
Framedrum, Shamandrum
Frame Drum, Shaman Drum
Archaic and carrying,
overtone ritch and floating.